This post on nutritional tips to improve your health is the first of a mini-series of blog posts on diet, health and training tips from the AdMac Fitness personal training team.

These tips are all designed to be simple, achievable and easy to introduce to your day-today life. The aim is to show you how easy it can be to introduce little adjustments that make a big difference when it comes to your health and fitness.

Here’s the 10 nutritional tips…

1. Take a Multivitamin

Why It's Good: A multivitamin acts as nutritional insurance, ensuring you cover any vitamin and mineral bases you might miss through your diet. It's a simple, cost-effective way to support your overall health. You don’t need to spend big money - a standard one will be just fine.

Something like this is perfect.

2. In the Winter, Take a Vitamin D Supplement

Why It’s Good: Vitamin D is crucial for maintaining bone health, immune function, and mood regulation. During the winter months, sunlight exposure is limited, making supplementation essential. Liquid capsules are recommended for better absorption. If you get out in the sun daily, you’ll help yourself.

In the autumn and winter, these are ideal.

3. Batch Cook Healthy Meals and Freeze Some

Why It's Good: Batch cooking and freezing meals ensure you have nutritious options readily available, even on busy days. This strategy helps prevent the temptation to order unhealthy takeaways when time or motivation to cook is lacking. Even if you only manage to do the protein (meat in a sauce for example), you can add to it later.

4. Raw Foods Are Great

Why It's Good: Incorporating raw foods such as fruits, salad items, and root vegetables increases your fibre and vitamin intake. Raw foods are easy to add to your diet and contribute to overall better health. They might seem like a weird thing to eat, but when you really think about what a raw food is, it’s easy and not weird at all!

5. Don't Overthink Water

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Why It's Good: Hydration needs vary depending on factors like weather and physical activity. Instead of fixating on a specific number of glasses, aim to keep your urine clear, indicating adequate hydration. If you want to make your water more interesting, you can add slices of lemon, lime, cucumber, chopped mint leaves etc. It’s a subtle change, but really makes a difference to the flavour.

6. Protein is Key

Why It's Good: Protein is essential for muscle repair, growth, and overall bodily functions. Ensure you're getting enough by including meats, fish, eggs, nuts, beans, and pulses in your diet. Supplement with protein powders if necessary. You don’t have to buy an expensive protein powder, and you can get vegan protein powders as well.

7. Keep Most of Your Carbohydrate Intake to Training Days

Why It's Good: Consuming carbohydrates around your training sessions helps fuel your workouts and aids recovery. Limiting carbs on rest days can help manage energy levels and prevent unnecessary calorie intake. I prefer ‘natural’ carb sources such as rice and potatoes over break, cereal and pasta.

8. Eat Until You Are 80% Full

Why It's Good: Eating until you're 80% full helps prevent overeating, reduces calorie intake, and is less taxing on your digestive system. Using smaller plates can trick your mind into feeling satisfied with smaller portions. It’s an approach that many people in Japan use to keep themselves fed, but not stuffed.

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9. Use 50% of Your Plate Space for Vegetables

Why It's Good: Vegetables are rich in fibre, vitamins, and minerals while being low in calories. Filling half your plate with vegetables adds flavour, texture, and significant health benefits to your meals. When you consider most of us don’t eat enough vegetables, it’s an easy way to get lots more in you!

10. Use Healthier Cooking Methods

Why It's Good: Cooking methods like air frying, grilling, baking, steaming, and poaching are healthier alternatives to frying and roasting. These methods reduce calorie intake and promote better overall health in the long term. The method of cooking change make a huge difference to both calories, and maintenance of vitamin and mineral content.

So there’s 10 nutritional tips for you to add to your regime - follow these and you’ll definitely be feeling fitter, healthier and leaner very soon!

Keep your eyes peeled for the next in our series, which will be 10 fitness tips.

Want to improve your health and fitness? Let the AdMac Fitness Personal Trainers help…

AdMac Fitness has been helping the people of East London transform their health and fitness for nearly a decade.

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We help people using tried and tested fitness approaches. Our expert team of personal trainers, based in both Bow and South Woodford can help you get a grip of your health forever. With our guidance and experience, you can relax knowing that your fitness journey is going to be guided by some of the best personal trainers in East London.

For more information on who we are, what we do and how we can help you achieve your health and fitness goals, contact us on… 07921465108 or email us at We look forward to hearing from you!

Our locations are…

AdMac Fitness: Arch 457 Robeson St, London E3 4JA

AdMac Fitness South Woodford: Unit 4 Marlborough Business Centre, 96 George Lane, South Woodford, London, E18 1AD