Rowing machines are often overlooked in the gym, but they offer a full-body workout that can improve cardiovascular fitness, build muscle strength, and enhance endurance.

Too many people don’t make the most of the rower. They treat it as a 5 minute warm up, and not much more. That’s a huge shame though, because it leaves so much of their fitness functionality on the table. They can offer you a

If you're looking to maximise your time on the rowing machine, here are three techniques to boost your performance and make your workouts more effective and engaging.

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Use the Interval Function

One of the most effective ways to increase the intensity of your rowing workouts is to use the interval function on the Concept 2 rowing machine. Interval training involves alternating between periods of high-intensity effort and low-intensity recovery. This method is great for improving aerobic capacity and burning more calories in a shorter amount of time. Here’s how you can make the most of it:

  1. Setting Intervals: On a Concept 2 rowing machine, you can customise intervals based on time, calories, or distance. This allows you to tailor the workout to your fitness level and goals. For example, you might set up intervals of 30 seconds of rowing at maximum effort followed by 30 seconds of rest, or 100 meters of rowing followed by 20 seconds of rest.

  2. Example Workout: A popular interval workout is 20 x 100m intervals with 20 seconds rest between each interval. This means you’ll row 100 meters as fast as you can, then rest for 20 seconds, and repeat this cycle 20 times. This structure keeps your heart rate elevated and your muscles working hard, delivering a high-intensity workout that is both challenging and efficient.

  3. Benefits: Interval training boosts your metabolism and increases your cardiovascular endurance. The rest periods allow you to recover just enough to maintain a high intensity during the work intervals, making the workout more effective than steady-state rowing. Plus, the constantly changing pace keeps the workout interesting and less monotonous.

Using the interval function transforms your rowing sessions from a steady, repetitive activity into a dynamic workout that challenges your body and keeps you engaged.

Set a Pace Boat

Another way to elevate your rowing workouts is to use the pace boat feature on the Concept 2 rowing machine. This virtual boat provides a target speed for you to match or beat, creating a competitive element that can drive you to perform better. Here’s how it can enhance your workout:

  1. Choosing Your Pace Boat: You can set the pace boat to row at a specific pace that you want to match or exceed. This can be a pace you’ve previously achieved, or a new goal that you’re aiming for. The pace boat provides a visual representation on the monitor, giving you real-time feedback on your performance relative to the target.

  2. Staying Motivated: The pace boat acts like a virtual training partner, pushing you to keep up with its speed. It helps prevent you from slacking off or rowing too slowly, especially during long or challenging sessions. The continuous feedback encourages you to maintain a consistent effort and can help improve your overall rowing speed and endurance.

  3. Example Scenario: Let’s say you usually row at a 2:30 per 500m pace. You can set the pace boat to this speed and aim to match or beat it. As you row, you can see whether you're ahead of or behind the pace boat, and adjust your effort accordingly. This immediate feedback helps you stay focused and motivated throughout your workout.

Using the pace boat feature adds a fun and competitive element to your rowing sessions, helping you stay engaged and pushing you to achieve your best possible performance.

Mix Things Up

Variety is the spice of life, and the same holds true for your rowing workouts. To keep things fresh and challenging, consider mixing up your routine. Most people only use a rower for short bursts of exercise, but there are many ways to diversify your rowing sessions:

  1. Follow Online Crew Classes: Instead of just rowing aimlessly, follow along with an online rowing class. These classes often simulate the experience of rowing in a crew and can include synchronised strokes, guided intervals, and motivational coaching. This adds a structured and interactive element to your workout, making it more enjoyable and effective.

  2. Challenge Yourself with Longer Distances: While short, intense rows have their benefits, rowing longer distances can help build endurance and mental toughness. Try rowing for 5 to 10 kilometers or set a time goal, like 30 or 60 minutes of continuous rowing. Long-distance rowing challenges your stamina and can improve your aerobic fitness.

  3. Varied Workouts: Incorporate different types of rowing workouts into your routine. Mix short sprints with medium-distance rows and long endurance sessions. You can also try combining rowing with other exercises, such as bodyweight circuits, to create a comprehensive full-body workout.

Changing up your rowing routine keeps it exciting and prevents your body from hitting a plateau. By exploring different workouts and rowing techniques, you’ll keep progressing and enjoying the benefits of this versatile piece of equipment.


The rowing machine is a great fitness tool that can provide a full-body workout and help you achieve your fitness goals.

By utilising the interval function, setting a pace boat, and mixing up your routines, you can make your rowing sessions more effective and engaging. Whether you’re aiming to improve your cardiovascular fitness, build muscle, or simply enjoy a challenging workout, these tips will help you get more from your time on the rowing machine. So next time you’re at the gym, hop on the rower and put these strategies into action!

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