Since we’ve been allowed to re-open and move our training back inside the studio, our AdMac Fitness personal training clients have been FLYING!

We’ve added new space, new equipment (new kettlebells, new squat rack etc) and have started to integrate them into training plans. The new training options, the new enthusiasm and our growing team of personal trainers has meant we’re back off to a flying start! It’s the best the gym has ever been and we couldn’t be happier or more proud of our clients!

This progress isn’t opinion either - it’s fact, which is the topic of today’s blog post… why we track your progress at AdMac Fitness.

There are lots of ways to measure progress when it comes to exercise, not all of them are as obvious as weight loss - in fact for many people, weight loss is a nice by-product of a process that makes them feel happier, healthier and generally fitter.

The important thing is that progress is being measured and we do it for a number of reasons…

It helps us as personal trainers to know we’re having the right impact…

Our job is ultimately to have a positive impact on your life. As a personal training client of AdMac Fitness, we’re interested in far more than your stats - yes, we want to track your weight loss, body fat loss etc, but we also want you to love your exercise with us. We want to know if it’s helping you mentally as well as physically. We want to be able to see tangible progress in your fitness, as well as your health.

By tracking your progress across a number of different factors, we can help you to see the bigger picture of how you are getting on. There is also credible research showing that this rewarding positive behaviour is motivational and will keep you working towards your bigger, longer term goals.

It’s difficult to always see your progress, because you’re with yourself all of the time and watch the progress as it happens. There’s the longer-term differences you’ll notice (clothes no longer fitting, belts need tightening etc), but day-to-day motivation is a little harder to spot. That’s one of the reasons we track your progress, so we can remind you of how far you have come with your training…

It helps us to keep on track of goals

By monitoring your progress on a regular basis, we can tell how close we are to achieving your goals, therefore helps us with our planning for each phase of your nutrition and training strategy.

Say for example you wanted to gain a certain amount of muscle before dieting and taking your body fat level back down. We might have set a target bodyweight to reach, at which point we’d switch track. By monitoring your progress, we’d know where you are in relation to each phase of the goal and therefore when we could switch things up.

You might have wanted to reach, say, 90kg for starting your diet. Unless we tracked it, we’d never know if you were close to the target weight or not! It means we can get ready for the next phase of training, so once you’d hit your goals we could immediately make the switch to the new training plan, with renewed focus.


Personal training works…

There is strong proof that personal training works (which we already knew), but what has become clear through the research is that it not only works, but it helps to change attitudes towards health living. By constantly reminding you of how well you are doing, the positive reinforcement from your trainer, coupled with the tangible proof of progress serves to motivate you further.

This can often be the trigger to enjoy exercise for many people. If you’ve spent your entire life feeling unmotivated or like a complete failure who can’t lose weight, then having a professional in your corner, supporting you and helping you to overcome obstacles can be utterly transformative.

This friendly approach is the reason we have so many successful AdMac Fitness clients. We’ve helped hundreds of people to change their attitude and enjoyment of health and fitness for good.

Maybe you could be another?

If you’re looking for personal training in East London, get in touch!

At AdMac Fitness we’re not about fads, fashions and short term fixes. We want you to succeed properly over the long term, so with our help and advice you can get your fitness back on track! If you’d like us to help you, contact us on 07921465108 or email us at We look forward to hearing from you!