The vast majority of personal training at AdMac Fitness originally come to us because they want help losing weight. They see our results and want our expert personal trainers to guide their own fat loss journey.

We approach fat loss with our personal training clients in three ways…

  1. Exercise

  2. Diet

  3. Lifestyle

Ultimately fat loss comes down to creating a calorie deficit so all of these elements have to work towards the same goal - helping to burn more calories than you consume.


We don’t have a one-size-fits-all approach to fat loss, because we’re all so different. A dietary approach that works for one won’t always work for somebody else because of factors such as time, access etc. This is why we approach it from a ‘coach the individual’ model. It’s our job to make sure your personal training is personal to you.

No two AdMac Fitness personal training clients will be on the same workout plans. There’ll be similarities, but weights, sets, reps and rest may be tweaked for a different outcome.

There is one element of fat loss though that we encourage all of our personal training clients to embrace and that’s something called Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis, also known as NEAT.

What’s Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis?

This is any calorie-burning activity that isn’t specifically exercise based. It could include anything such as walking the dog, doing housework, DIY, gardening and anything in between.

By promoting general non-exercise activity we increase calorie burn throughout the day. It’s actually an incredibly powerful fat burner - you don’t always need to be working at a very high intensity for the calories to be burned. In fact, this comparison study between running and walking showed that walking burns around 75% of the calories running does, highlighting exactly how effective NEAT can be for promoting fat loss.

If you can make your days more active, you’ll certainly accelerate your fat loss. You don’t even need to make drastic lifestyle changes.

Simple Ways to Increase Your Daily NEAT

None of these ideas are absurd, nor do they require a complete transformation of how we live our lives. They can be included around hobbies and daily tasks, with the upside being the additional daily calorie burn…

  • Cycle to work: For an average person in reasonable conditions, they’ll burn between 500 and 1000 calories per hour whilst cycling depending on speed, wind resistance, incline etc. If your cycle commute is 30 minutes each way, that’s an around an extra 2500 calories per day burned.

  • Walk to the shops: There’s two benefits here - the first one is that you’re walking, which is obviously great. The second one is that you are doing a weighted carry on the way back as you carry for shopping too! Depending on the distance, there’s a lot of extra calorie burn here!

  • Head out for lunch: If you work at home or in an office, make a point of going out for lunch. Even if you carry a packed lunch with you and eat it when you get to a fixed destination, just make a point of including daily steps in your day.

  • Get off the bus or tube a stop early: If you have to commute to work via public transport, jump off a stop early. It’s a good way of adding the extra steps into your day and it’s not even that big of a hassle - if anything it might be a nice stress-reliever after a tough day at work!


How Much Difference to my Fat Loss will Increasing my NEAT Really Make?

A massive one, in all honesty. If you can increase your NEAT by 300-500 calories per day (which is really quite easy to do - it’s about 10,000 steps per day and is possible by following the tips earlier), you’ll be burning an extra 2100 - 3500 calories per week. Across the course of a year that’s 766,500 - 1,277,500 calories.

OK, those numbers are crazy, so let’s put them into context.

In a single pound of fat there’s 4086 calories, so by getting your NEAT up and assuming you don’t consume any further calories, you can accelerate your fat loss by an extra 0.5 - 0.9LBS per week. If you were on a long term weight loss plan, increasing your NEAT could add a further 25 - 50LBS of fat loss across the course of a year, which is a remarkable number for such low-intensity activity.

If you’re looking for personal training in East London, get in touch!

At AdMac Fitness we’re not about fads, fashions and short term fixes. We want you to succeed properly over the long term, so with our help and advice you can get your fitness back on track! If you’d like us to help you, contact us on 07921465108 or email us at We look forward to hearing from you!