After a cold few months the mercury is beginning to climb and the summer has finally made itself known. The mornings are lighter, the days are longer and after all of the time spent indoors, we’re finally at a point where the outside is where we’d rather be. For many of us, that includes our exercise - outside of our PT sessions we’re heading out to walk, to run and to cycle.

Whilst the warm weather is amazing, there are a few important things to remember if you’re going to make your outdoor workouts as effective and safe as they can possibly be. Follow our guide to warm weather training and make the most of the summer exercise…


Sweating and hydration - how much drinking is enough?!

The most obvious aspect of exercising in the heat is making sure you’re adequately hydrated. What we know from research on the topic is that generally speaking, the higher the intensity of exercise in hot weather, the more we sweat. That sounds obvious, until we look into the data more. Generally speaking, the fitter you are, the more acclimatised to the heat you are and the more able to work at higher intensities you are.

This means the fitter and more acclimatised to the heat you are, the more you’ll sweat and therefore you’ll need more hydration. So if you’re a regular runner for example, don’t think “I won’t need a drink - I’m pretty fit” - the evidence shows you’re more likely to need a drink than an unfit person who won’t be working as hard as you!

General sweating rates are around 1.5 litres per hour in untrained people and up to 3 litres per hour in fit people, so account for this when exercising. Do so by drinking before you train and topping up during your run or ride.

Wear sunscreen!

Again, another obvious one but we wouldn’t be doing our job if we didn’t mention it. Some people are worried that sweating reduces the effectiveness of their sunscreen, but what the data shows is that the effect isn’t as dramatic as people think.

In a study assessing factor 50 sunscreen applied for exercise, the research showed that even when sweating for 6 hours the sunscreen had only reduced to factor 30 protection, so is still a very effective block against the sun. This gives you peace of mind if you’re out for a long time, for example during a long bike ride or walk.

Apply the screen 15-30 minutes before exercise to allow it to soak into the skin properly. If you apply it then immediately work at a high intensity, you risk much of the screen being washed off.

Hydration - it’s more than just water!

The answer to every hydration question is usually ‘drink more water’, but it’s not quite as simple as that. When we sweat, we lose more than just liquid - we lose electrolytes as well, which are important minerals used in the contraction of muscles. That’s why we cramp during periods of high intensity exercise, because of lost minerals.

When rehydrating during exercise, it’s a wise idea to consume a drink containing electrolytes. There’s evidence to suggest they improve performance and also help to rehydrate more effectively than water alone, simply by optimising water absorption during exercise. This allows us to work at a higher intensity for longer, so are ideal if you’re looking to push for a PB!


Dress appropriately

This is more a practical tip than a performance one, but a few seconds checking the forecast before you head out is a way to save you a whole world of issues when you’re out. If you over-dress for the heat you’ll be stripping off layers quickly and you’ll have a lot of extra clothing to carry with you.

Also, focus on layers, not thickness. If you have multiple layers you can add and remove as you like. If you simply wear a thick layer with little on underneath, you give yourself no options!

Choice of materials is also important. Go for light weight, sweat-wicking materials that can help you stay comfortable in the higher temperatures. Materials such as cotton can absorb a lot of sweat, making you less comfortable, with clothes sticking to you as you get sweatier! These aren’t ideal for your fellow exercisers either, because they can begin to smell!

Exercise in the heat - final thoughts

We love outdoor exercise - in fact we did it over the winter thanks to the rules! But we want you to make sure you do things properly. Exercise safely, effectively and take into account our advice. Get outside and enjoy the best weather of the year in comfort! Take plenty of fluids, wear your sunscreen, drink isotonic drinks and make sure you dress appropriately for the conditions!

If you’re looking for personal training in East London, get in touch!

At AdMac Fitness we’re not about fads, fashions and short term fixes. We want you to succeed properly over the long term, so with our help and advice you can get your fitness back on track! If you’d like us to help you, contact us on 07921465108 or email us at We look forward to hearing from you!