Exercising in warm weather presents unique challenges, with the primary concern being staying properly hydrated. The body loses water through sweat, which is crucial for thermoregulation, but this loss needs to be compensated for to maintain performance and avoid heat-related illnesses.

Here are five essential rehydration points to help you stay hydrated during warm-weather exercise. It’s a guide that covers you for events such as a park run or workouts - the end goal is still the same!

Electrolyte Drinks - Yes or No?

Electrolyte drinks, often marketed as sports drinks, are designed to replenish both fluids and electrolytes lost through sweat. Electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and magnesium play vital roles in maintaining fluid balance, muscle function, and nerve signaling. But are they necessary for everyone?


  • Electrolyte Replacement: During prolonged or intense exercise, especially in hot conditions, the body loses significant amounts of sodium and potassium. Replenishing these is crucial to maintain muscle function and prevent cramps .

  • Energy Source: Many electrolyte drinks contain carbohydrates, which provide a quick source of energy and can help sustain performance during long workouts .


  • Added Sugars: Some sports drinks contain high levels of sugar, which might not be ideal for everyone, especially those managing their calorie intake or with metabolic concerns .

  • Cost and Availability: Regular use of commercial electrolyte drinks can be expensive, and not everyone needs the added electrolytes if the exercise is short or not excessively strenuous .


For prolonged, intense exercise sessions lasting over an hour, especially in hot and humid conditions, electrolyte drinks can be beneficial. However, for shorter or less intense activities, plain water might be sufficient.

Frequency of Drinking

The timing and frequency of drinking can significantly impact hydration levels. The general advice is to drink regularly rather than waiting until you feel thirsty, as thirst can be a late indicator of dehydration .


  • Before Exercise: Drink 400-600 ml of water or a sports drink 2-3 hours before exercise to start off hydrated .

  • During Exercise: Aim to drink 150-350 ml every 15-20 minutes during exercise. Adjust the amount based on your sweat rate and the environmental conditions .

  • After Exercise: Rehydrate as soon as possible after finishing your exercise session to replace lost fluids .

Regular small sips can help maintain hydration without causing stomach discomfort that might come from drinking large amounts all at once.

Amount of Liquids Required to Maintain Hydration

Determining the right amount of liquid to drink depends on various factors, including exercise intensity, duration, body size, and environmental conditions.

Key Factors:

  • Sweat Rate: Measure your sweat rate by weighing yourself before and after exercise. The weight loss can indicate the amount of fluid lost, guiding how much you need to drink. For instance, losing 1 kg of body weight corresponds to approximately 1 liter of fluid loss .

  • Environmental Conditions: Higher temperatures and humidity increase fluid loss through sweat. Adjust your intake accordingly to avoid dehydration .

  • Individual Needs: Consider individual differences in sweat rates and fluid needs. Personalized hydration plans can be more effective than generic recommendations .

Generally, aim to drink enough to prevent a body weight loss of more than 2% during exercise. This helps maintain performance and reduce the risk of heat-related issues.

Pre-Event Hydration

Hydrating before exercise is crucial, especially in warm weather. Starting well-hydrated can enhance performance and reduce the risk of dehydration during exercise.


  • Hydration in Advance: Begin hydrating several hours before the exercise session. Drinking about 500-600 ml of water 2-3 hours before exercise is a good starting point .

  • Top-Up Before Starting: Consume another 200-300 ml of fluid about 20-30 minutes before you begin your exercise .

  • Monitor Your Urine: Use urine color as a rough indicator of hydration status. Pale yellow urine typically indicates good hydration, while darker urine may suggest the need for more fluids .

This preparation helps ensure your body starts in an optimal state for managing fluid loss through sweat.

Post Event Hydration

Rehydrating after exercise is essential for recovery and to replace fluids and electrolytes lost during your workout. The goal is to return the body to its normal hydration levels as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Steps for Effective Rehydration:

  • Immediate Rehydration: Drink fluids immediately after finishing exercise. Aim for 1.2 to 1.5 times the fluid lost during exercise to compensate for ongoing sweat and urine losses .

  • Include Electrolytes: Post-exercise fluids should contain electrolytes to help restore the balance. This can come from a sports drink, or you can add a pinch of salt to your water .

  • Monitor and Adjust: Continue to drink regularly over the next few hours. Monitor your hydration status and adjust your fluid intake as needed .

Proper post-event hydration supports recovery, helps maintain performance in subsequent activities, and reduces the risk of muscle cramps and fatigue.


Hydration is a critical component of exercise, especially in warm weather. By using electrolyte drinks appropriately, drinking at regular intervals, understanding your fluid needs, and focusing on pre- and post-event hydration, you can maintain optimal hydration levels and enhance your performance. Remember, individual needs can vary, so it's essential to listen to your body and adjust your hydration strategy accordingly.

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