As the New Year unfolds, many of us embark on a journey to improve our health and fitness. However, maintaining those resolutions can be challenging without the right strategies in place.

In this blog post, we'll explore five practical tips to help you stay committed to your fitness goals, with a special emphasis on the transformative benefits of hiring a personal trainer. Follow these tips, and you’ll avoid being the cliche of starting a fitness regime, only to see it end a fortnight later!

Set Realistic and Attainable Goals

One of the common pitfalls in fitness resolutions is setting overly ambitious goals. While it's great to aim high, setting realistic and attainable milestones is crucial for long-term success. Break down your overarching goal into smaller, manageable steps, allowing you to celebrate achievements along the way.

If you’re not a regular exerciser, rather than demand 5 sessions per week from yourself right off the bat, maybe aim for 2. Build from a base.

Create a Consistent Routine

Consistency is key when it comes to fitness. Establishing a regular workout routine helps form healthy habits and makes it easier to stick to your resolution. Choose specific days and times for your workouts, making them non-negotiable appointments with yourself. Consistency breeds progress.

Put your workouts in your diary as appointments. Better still, hire a personal trainer because then you’ll have committed both your time and money. You’ll also be letting someone down if you cancel!

Diversify Your Workouts

Keep your fitness journey exciting by incorporating variety into your workouts. This not only prevents boredom but also challenges different muscle groups, promoting overall strength and endurance. Try a mix of cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and flexibility workouts to keep things interesting.

Maybe take up a sport, walk to work, join a new class. Keep things mixed and interesting, and you’ll enjoy the rewards.

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Prioritise Nutrition and Recovery

Fitness resolutions are not solely about exercise; nutrition and recovery play pivotal roles. Ensure you're fueling your body with nutritious foods and allowing sufficient time for rest and recovery. A well-rounded approach to health includes adequate sleep, hydration, and mindful eating habits.

This could include improving your diet, adding supplements to your routine and home cooking more of your food.

Hire a Personal Trainer

Perhaps one of the most effective ways to stay on track with your fitness resolution is to enlist the expertise of a personal trainer. A qualified trainer can create a tailored workout plan based on your goals, fitness level, and preferences. They provide guidance on proper form, offer motivation, and adapt the program as your fitness improves.

The accountability and personalised attention that a trainer provides can be a game-changer in achieving and maintaining your resolutions. Speak to us at AdMac Fitness to see how we can help you achieve your fitness goals.

Keeping your fitness resolution…

Embarking on a fitness journey is a big deal to many people, and the success of it requires dedication and strategic planning.

Setting realistic goals, maintaining a consistent routine, diversifying workouts, prioritising nutrition and recovery, and enlisting the support of a personal trainer are all essential elements for success. Embrace these tips, stay committed, and watch your fitness resolution transform into a sustainable and rewarding lifestyle.

Want to improve your health and fitness? Let the AdMac Fitness Personal Trainers help…

AdMac Fitness has been helping the people of East London transform their health and fitness for nearly a decade.

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We help people using tried and tested fitness approaches. Our expert team of personal trainers, based in both Bow and South Woodford can help you get a grip of your health forever. With our guidance and experience, you can relax knowing that your fitness journey is going to be guided by some of the best personal trainers in East London.

For more information on who we are, what we do and how we can help you achieve your health and fitness goals, contact us on… 07921465108 or email us at We look forward to hearing from you!

Our locations are…

AdMac Fitness Bow: Arch 457 Robeson St, London E3 4JA.

AdMac Fitness South Woodford: Unit 4 Marlborough Business Centre, 96 George Lane, South Woodford, London, E18 1AD.