I promise that this blog post isn’t a killjoy one, designed to rip all the fun out of your Christmas dinner! Instead, it’s a designed to give you a few ideas of how to really enjoy the best meal of the year, without falling victim to the cliched 10lb weight gain over Christmas.

The festive period is synonymous with indulgence, and Christmas dinner is often the center piece of the celebrations. What I’m about to show you here though is a way to still get the most from your dinner, without leaving you feeling like you’ve missed out.

While it's tempting to throw caution to the wind and indulge in rich, decadent dishes, there are ways to make your Christmas dinner kinder on your health without compromising on flavour.

In this blog post, we'll explore five simple hacks to ensure your holiday feast is both delicious and mindful of your well-being.

Load up on the Protein

Protein is an essential nutrient that plays a crucial role in maintaining muscle mass, supporting immune function, and keeping you feeling full.

Turkey, ham and beef are frequent visitors to the Christmas dinner table. If you’re that way inclined you might opt for goose. All of them provide a satisfying and nutritious base for your festive meal (as long as you’re careful to avoid the fattier cuts).

By prioritising protein, you'll not only support your overall health but also avoid excessive consumption of less nutritious options. In a 2008 study titled Protein, weight management, and satiety, researchers noted that a higher protein intake saw people feeling fuller and less likely to indulge in higher overall calorie consumption.

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Add extra servings of vegetables

Vegetables are a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals, and fibre, making them an integral part of a balanced and healthy diet.

Elevate the nutritional value of your Christmas dinner by increasing the variety and quantity of vegetables on your plate. Brussels sprouts and colorful root vegetables can add both flavour and nutrition to your festive spread. The extra fibre will also contribute to a feeling of fullness, helping you resist the temptation to overindulge in less nutritious options.

You’ll increase the vitamin and mineral consumption, take up stomach space and keep the calorie intake down!

Boil or steam your vegetables

The cooking method you choose can significantly impact the nutritional content of your Christmas dinner. Boiling or steaming vegetables preserves their vitamins and minerals, ensuring that they retain their nutritional value. This gentle cooking approach also helps maintain the vibrant colours and flavors of the vegetables.

Choose these cooking methods for your side dishes to create a health-conscious accompaniment to your main course.

Of course this is an obvious hack to making a Christmas dinner healthier, but it shouldn’t be overlooked. When you consider that a single gram of fat contains 9 calories, adding that all over your vegetables can dramatically increase the amount of hidden calories you eat during the meal.

Reduce the booze intake

While a glass of wine or a festive cocktail can enhance the Christmas spirit, excessive alcohol consumption will take a toll on your health, your waistline and your self control around food!

Alcohol is calorie-dense and leads to overeating. To make your Christmas dinner kinder on your health, consider moderating your alcohol intake. Opt for lighter drinks, intersperse alcoholic drinks with water, go for shorter drinks (gin and slimline tonic for example), or lower alcohol content.

A 5% lager will contain around 240 calories per pint, whereas a 4% one will contain around 180 - this adds up over time. Additionally, if you were to drink bottle of lager it may be around 140 calories. These little switches make a difference.

Opt for a fruit-based dessert

Sweet treats are a staple of Christmas celebrations, but you can make healthier choices without sacrificing the joy of dessert.

Instead of opting for calorie-laden pies and cakes, consider a fruit-based dessert. Fresh fruit salads, fruit skewers, or a light sorbet can provide a refreshing and guilt-free conclusion to your Christmas feast. These alternatives offer natural sweetness and a burst of vitamins, adding a healthful twist to your holiday desserts.

You’re still part of the celebrations, you’re still getting a sweet hit, but at the same time you’re keeping calories low, consuming vitamins and minerals and adding fibre to your meal. Winner!

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Final thoughts - Don’t ruin the fun!

With a little mindfulness and some simple tweaks, you can enjoy a great Christmas dinner that is kinder on your health. By prioritising protein, loading up on vegetables, moderating alcohol intake, opting for fruit-based desserts, and choosing healthy cooking methods, you can enjoy the festive season without compromising your well-being.

If you’re really worried that Christmas will see all of your hard work undone, you can relax by following these tips!

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