Welcome to the first in our ‘meet the team’ series on the AdMac Fitness blog. It’s your opportunity to get to know your personal trainer a little better. You may learn what makes them tick, how they view fitness and maybe even pick up a few little tips along the way!

So without further ado, here’s Kie…

Name: Kiefer Piccio 

How long have you been working at AdMac Fitness?: Just over a year and counting!

Tell us about your training philosophy:

My training philosophy revolves around two main ideas: 

  1. How does one achieve a goal in a smarter, not harder way.

  2. Being strong, to be useful.

The aim  is to build a training approach that gives you the most fitness gains in an efficient way. Then, take those gains and use it in the real world. Either for oneself or to help others with it.

Tell us one thing you believe the vast majority of people could do better with regards to their fitness: 

The vast majority of people could do better with focusing on recovery. I find a lot of people focus far too much on the training aspect of a program and  they forget to rest their bodies, where the actual gains start to happen. Remember, in order for results to show, you need to train hard and recover harder.

If you could encourage more people to change one thing about their food intake, what would it be? 

It would be to encourage people to eat just before they're full and not when they're completely full up. Also, I encourage people to drink more water! Water is life - literally!

Tell us one thing about you that may surprise people… 

I was a part of a team that holds a world record in swimming the English Channel for Cancer Research and The Federation of Disability Sport.

Finally, if I work with you, what should I expect? 

Expect to be given realistic ways to progress through your goals and expect sessions to be varied whilst having the right amount of challenge each time.

My training approach involves numerous efficient training methods revolving around compound lifts, specific isolation work and body-weight progressions, which I have experimented and refined from my 20 years of experience in high performance sport.

My clients say I'm quite a 'Hype Man' - and (from my understanding) this means I can be quite a cheerleader when it comes to even the tiniest of improvement that they make! So be prepared to be motivated and 'hyped'!

You can follow Kie on Instagram by clicking here.

If you’d like to work with Kie, get in touch with us get in touch with us at AdMac Fitness. We operate from our private personal training studio in Bow, E3. Contact us on 07921465108 or email us at admacfitness@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you!