Here at AdMac Fitness we’ve worked with enough personal training clients to have a solid understanding about what makes someone successful in their personal training journey. Over the years we’ve helped hundreds of people lose weight, improve their fitness and reach more of their potential. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say we’ve changed lives, helping people to reach levels of fitness and weight loss that they’d previously thought of as impossible.

As we edge closer to normality, with the nation’s physical and mental health at perhaps it’s lowest, we’ve decided to share our observations on what makes the most successful personal training clients. If you can have adopt these habits yourself, you too will enjoy the success that so many of our clients have had…


Progress Monitoring

Our most successful personal training clients all take part in some kind of progress monitoring. Alongside the monitoring we do in the gym, they’ll also stay on top of their progress at home. That might take a number of different directions - it could be recording their weight, taking progress photographs, keeping their measurements.

There’s also the fitness and nutrition monitoring, whereby they’ll track their calories, steps, activity levels etc. Although this sounds like a lot of work, technology has made it really easy. Apps like MyFitnessPal are available on your phone, and there are lots of watches available that help to keep track of exercise and activity levels.

Short and Long Term Strategy

Whilst it’s great to have a long term goal, it’s important to remember that it’s really difficult to stay motivated for something so far in the future. A way to maintain motivation is to break down your long term goal into many smaller, short term goals. It’s an approach we like to use here at AdMac Fitness and have seen it work consistently and effectively with lots of people.

Rather than focus on the long term goal such as ‘I want to lose 60lbs’, instead bring your focus towards ‘I want to lose 5lbs’. It’s a much closer target and keeps you striving for the next one. Once you’ve achieved that, look towards the next 5lbs, then the next and so on. It’s a key motivator.

Regular Reviews

One of the most important aspects of behaviour change is accountability. At AdMac Fitness all of our personal training clients work with their coach who is a fully qualified personal trainer. It’s the PT’s job to programme the workouts, assess the progress, coach the client through the journey and help them to adapt to the health lifestyle changes. One of the most important aspects of personal training is the review process.

Reviews with your coach is a chance to discuss what is going well, what your are struggling with, how you are coping with the training and the new eating programme. During these reviews your coach can make changes, suggestions and adaptions to your plans, helping to make sure you continue to make progress. The regular check in is a key reason is ensuring progress is maintained.

Strong Relationship with their Coach

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This is so important and builds on the previous point. The closer your bond is with your coach, the better the experience will be for both of you. This is why at AdMac Fitness we employ personal trainers with different interests, backgrounds and personality types. We can make sure you get the best fit in terms of your coach.

The client-coach relationship is a special one. The coach will know when to push you, when to lay off. They’ll celebrate your successes, help you through your failures. This is one of the reasons so many of our clients at AdMac Fitness stay with us for years - because they become friends, part of the family and an integral part of the AdMac Fitness experience.


Performance Goals - Not Exclusively Weight Loss

It’s important for people to look beyond weight loss, because whilst it’s important, the truest measure of your health is your performance. Feeling great, not just looking great is fundamental to our ethos. Whilst of course we’ll help anyone lose weight if that’s what they want, we’re particularly interested in making you the fittest, strongest, healthiest version of yourself.

Once you’ve hit your weight loss targets, it’s time to shift focus and turn you into an absolute superstar, whatever that looks like to you. Whether it’s to lift a certain amount, run a certain distance or reach a particular level of health and vitality that’s personal to you, we’re here to help!

Take a look at our gallery to see the successful client transformations we’ve built up over the years - these are just a small few of the literally hundreds of people we’ve helped over the years. Perhaps you could be next?!

AdMac Transformation Gallery

At AdMac Fitness we’re not about fads, fashions and short term fixes. We want you to succeed properly over the long term, so with our help and advice you can get your fitness back on track! If you’d like us to help you, contact us on 07921465108 or email us at We look forward to hearing from you!