One of the reasons AdMac Fitness is one of the most successful private personal training studios in East London is because of our people-first approach.

At AdMac Fitness, we don’t subscribe to one particular training method, but instead we base our approach on the person. Our job as personal trainers is to help the client to achieve their goals in the most enjoyable way possible, so we work with them, establishing a training approach and diet that factors in their needs, their wants and their goals.

It’s an aim of ours to provide a great training environment for people from all walks of life, with all kinds of different goals. Whether you’re a brand new exerciser, someone looking for a push or a vastly experienced exerciser looking to be pushed to another level, we can provide that environment for you.

When you train with us at AdMac Fitness, you’re not a number, you’re part of a community. A supportive fitness family who help each other, support each other and build each other up. It’s part of the reason we work with clients for a long time - years in many cases. They come for the training but stay because of the community and the atmosphere.

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Why we don’t stick to a single training approach…

Personal training by its very nature should be individualised, and we’re all so different. There are plenty of personal trainers out there who train people with one approach, regardless of their goals. We made a conscious decision early on to be different, to not do that and instead build our business based on a people-first approach.

When you first sign up with us, we do a consultation with you. One of our first questions is to ask what you’d to like to achieve - we ask that question because the goals should come from you. It’s not up to us to decide what you’d like to be or do, our job is to make it happen. Too many trainers make the decision for the client, which can often lead to them training all of their clients in the same way. It’s crazy to think a 65 year old grandmother looking to lose a little weight and improve her mobility would be training in exactly the same way as a 23 year old man with muscle-building ambitions.

We put the client first and the results show.

There are fitness studios who stick to a method - there are weightlifting clubs, yoga centres, bodybuilding gyms, Pilates centres etc, but we don’t see training as a one-size-fits all thing. Our personal trainers at AdMac Fitness all have different areas of specialism and interest, so we can pair you with a personal trainer who best aligns with you.

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Personal Training transforms attitudes to exercise

One of the most enlightening things a lot of our clients tell us is how much they enjoy exercise with a personal trainer. Whether it’s because they feel less intimidated in our private studio environment, or because they have the peace of mind of knowing they’re doing things correctly, it’s a nice compliment to receive.

Many clients join us as a last resort - they’ve tried everything else, so they give a personal trainer a go as a last roll of the dice. They’ve told themselves that they don’t like exercise or they don’t like the gym, but that’s because they’ve not found an approach that works for them. Thanks to us taking the time to listen, to understand and to learn about our clients, we build exercise programmes for them that not only get results, but also transform their attitude towards exercise and healthy living.

By trusting us with their training, many of them fall in love with exercise and start living a healthier, more fulfilling life. That’s arguably the most rewarding part of our job at AdMac Fitness.

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Personal Training during lockdown…

We’re still open for one on one personal training at AdMac Fitness. We have strict safety protocols to protect our members against COVID-19, all of our sessions are delivered outside under a shelter and our equipment is spotlessly clean.

We can promise you’ll receive the best personal training in East London from the AdMac Fitness Personal Training team!

At AdMac Fitness we’re not about fads, fashions and short term fixes. We want you to succeed properly over the long term, so with our help and advice you can get your fitness back on track! If you’d like us to help you, contact us on 07921465108 or email us at We look forward to hearing from you!