The news all of us in the fitness industry were dreading has been announced - we’re locked down for 4 weeks. It’s kick in the nuts for us as an industry - we’d all worked so hard to make sure gyms were clean, tidy safe for all of those who use them.

Despite a nationwide petition that gained over 500,000 signatures requesting gyms stay open throughout lockdown, the decision was taken by government to close them during the second lockdown.

But worry not, in this article we’re going to update you with what we intend to do for our AdMac Fitness clients during lockdown 2 and also what you can do at home to make sure your exercise doesn’t suffer during the gym closures.

AdMac Fitness Members - Here’s What We’re Doing!

The rules CLEARLY state that seeing your personal trainer outside is fine. As further proof that this is from the government, here’s the evidence… UK Government Guidelines.


So now we have cleared this up, we’re going to tell you what we’re doing at AdMac Fitness to make sure your training continues without interruption…

We’re Heading into the Car Park!

At the business centre we’ve got plenty of outdoor space to set up a temporary gym. We’ll be transporting as much of the kit as we can outside so training will continue in much the same way. We can easily take the kettlebells, dumbbells, TRX and rope etc outside so you’ll be able to enjoy your workouts in much the same way as before - the only difference is this time you’ll be outside (it’s not cold, it’s natural air conditioning!)

We’ve taken this step because we want to continue to deliver the excellent service you’re used to at AdMac Fitness.

There will be access to the car park via a side door, which means no clients will have to go through the building. There’ll no worry about potential transmission of the virus this way. In addition there’s no hold ups as people won’t have to pass each other in corridors in an impossible socially-distanced manner.

We’ve taken every possible care to make sure we can run the sessions as normal and you can continue to enjoy the physical and mental benefits of exercise.

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If you Can’t See us in Person…

Go Back to Bodyweight Training

At AdMac Fitness we’re massive fans of bodyweight training. For a long time it was seen as a less effective form of training by some people in the industry, but the more they learn, the more the realise just how useful bodyweight training can be if it is done properly.

In fact, we’ve written about this before - bodyweight training is effective, versatile, safe and super convenient. It can be done anywhere and at any time. It can be scaled easily so suits the beginner or the really advanced.

If you’ve got a local park why not use the climbing frames to do pull ups, dips, split squats, feet elevated push ups etc. You’re largely limited by your creativity rather than opportunity when it comes to bodyweight training. Stick to a fundamental base of squats, push ups, pull ups, lunges, ab work and then add other bits in to supplement it.

Get Out and Run/Walk/Cycle

You can use this time to get out and about - there are no rules saying you can’t go out to exercise. That could be a long walk, a daily run or even a bike ride. Perhaps you use your bike ride for constructive purposes such as riding to work for your daily commute?

It doesn’t have to be particularly high intensity, but if you can be regular with it you’ll maintain a good level of fitness.

If you can find a hill then hill climbs on foot or by bike are great for pushing the intensity up, but if you want to really burn a lot of calories and make huge fitness strides, get your trainers on and do some hill sprints - there are few more effective sprint protocols than hill sprints! They’re fantastic for so many reasons - leg strength, calorie burn, conditioning, speed and power improvements.


Don’t Let Yourself Slide

The biggest issue is the mental one here, not the physical one. You’ll cope so much better mentally if you give your days structure and purpose. Making sure you are abiding by healthy habits is important and if you feel like you’re struggling, reach out to somebody.

When it comes to your health and fitness, remember AdMac Fitness is always here.

If you’d like us to help you, contact us on 07921465108 or email us at We look forward to hearing from you!