When it comes to fat loss, is fasted cardio is a topic that’s often under discussion. There are coaches who love it, and coaches who think it’s a waste of time.

In this blog post, we will delve into the scientific literature to explore the evidence supporting and challenging the idea that fasted cardio is superior for fat loss. By the end of it, you’ll have more of an idea about fasted cardio and whether or not you’ll use it in your own training.

Fasted Cardio - The Science

In the realm of fitness and weight loss, the debate surrounding the effectiveness of fasted cardio for fat loss has been a topic of discussion among both fitness enthusiasts and experts. Fasted cardio refers to any cardio exercise performed on an empty stomach, typically in the morning before eating.

Proponents argue that it enhances fat burning, while skeptics question its overall efficacy.

The Physiology of Fasted Cardio

Fasted cardio is believed to tap into fat stores for energy since glycogen (stored glucose) levels are lower after an overnight fast. Advocates suggest that in the absence of readily available carbohydrates, the body relies on stored fat for fuel, thus promoting greater fat loss during exercise.

A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition investigated the effects of fasted versus fed cardio on fat metabolism. The researchers found that fasted cardio did increase fat oxidation during exercise. However, they also noted that the total fat loss over a 24-hour period was not significantly different between the fasted and fed groups, indicating that the timing of nutrient intake might not be the sole determinant of fat loss.

Metabolic Rate and Afterburn Effect

One argument in favour of fasted cardio is its potential to elevate post-exercise fat burning, often referred to as the ‘afterburn’ or excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). The afterburn effect suggests that the body continues to burn calories at an elevated rate after exercise, contributing to additional fat loss.

Research published in the ‘Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport’ goes against the idea that fasted cardio may lead to a more significant post-exercise oxygen consumption compared to fed cardio. In their research, a light meal before cardio led to greater fat loss in the short and long term post exercise.

Individual Variability

Notably, individual variability plays a crucial role in how the body responds to fasted cardio. A study titled ‘Lipolytic suppression following carbohydrate ingestion limits fat oxidation during exercise’ demonstrated that the effectiveness of fasted cardio varied among participants.

While some individuals experienced greater fat oxidation, others did not exhibit any significant difference between fasted and fed conditions.

Practical Considerations

Despite the scientific discourse, it's important to consider practical aspects when deciding on the most suitable approach to cardio for fat loss. Factors such as personal preferences, energy levels, and workout adherence may ultimately influence the effectiveness of a fitness regimen.

While fasted cardio may offer some advantages in terms of fat oxidation during exercise and potentially the afterburn effect, scientific evidence does not conclusively declare it as the superior method for fat loss.

Individual variability, along with factors like diet, overall physical activity, and consistency, should be taken into account when making fitness choices.

The reality is like all things fitness, the best approach may vary from person to person. That’s why personal training delivered via the AdMac Fitness coaches is prescriptive based on the individual. We don’t do generic approaches - our clients needs are considered first and foremost. From the initial consultation you’re listened to and very much considered as part of the approach.

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