At AdMac Fitness we believe that training should be about life improvement, not just vanity. To achieve that measure with our personal training clients, we use a range of different training approaches. One of the pieces of equipment we use most often is the kettlebell.

In terms of versatility, there are few things that match a kettlebell.

A lot of gym equipment is single use. A treadmill can only ever be a treadmill. A chest press can only be a chest press. A bike can only ever be a bike… you get the point.

A kettlebell though, that’s a whole different world.

With a single item of equipment you can perform a whole body workout. Strength workouts, circuits, high rep workouts, HIIT workout, bodybuilding workouts. You name it, a kettlebell is suitable for the job. If you know how to use one, or have a personal trainer to guide you, a kettlebell could be the most versatile piece of equipment in the entire gym.

Here’s 5 kettlebell exercises that we use at AdMac Fitness that if you do well, will transform your health, fitness and physique.

Kettlebell Exercise #1 - The Kettlebell Swing

This is the OG of kettlebell exercises, and still probably the most commonly-used exercise of them all with a kettlebell. It’s a fantastic way of strengthening the posterior chain, which are the muscles that run from the back of the heels all the way to the top of your head.

These muscles are responsible for movement, power generation and ensuring you have excellent back health.

It’s a simple exercise, but one with huge upside!

Kettlebell Exercise #2 - The Goblet Squat

Squatting in all forms is a great exercise, but one of the best forms of squat is a front squat. The kettlebell goblet squat is a form of front squat, where the kettlebell is held in front of the body whilst your legs perform the squat.

By holding the weight in front of you, there is increased emphasis on core strength work, and there is reduced pressure on the lower back. This means the goblet squat is safe and effective for a wider range of people than other forms.

It’s also a very easy exercise to perform from a technique point of view.

Kettlebell Exercise #3 - Kettlebell Clean and Press

The clean and press is certainly a more advanced exercise, but it’s a classic example of pure versatility and functionality. The exercise combines two exercises in one, strengthening the posterior chain, shoulders and triceps. You can do it with a single kettlebell, or two at the same time.

This exercise is a perfect way to make workouts more efficient, by training a lot of muscle in one go. You can adjust the weight to make it ideal for strength training (high weight, low reps), hypertrophy (medium weight, 8-12 reps) or endurance (light weight, 15+ reps).

Just make sure you get the technique right before progressing.

Kettlebell Exercise #4 - Kettlebell Deadlift

The deadlift is a really functional exercise regardless of the equipment you use, but the simplicity of the kettlebell deadlift is a win. The close grip, the density of the weight and the good range of movement make it an excellent exercise.

To get the most out of the kettlebell deadlift you have to make sure you lift a heavy kettlebell, otherwise it’s likely to be too light to have any real training effect. Select a heavy kettlebell, keep your technique smooth and you’ll be able to get the most from this excellent exercise.

Never fear the deadlift, just make sure you get your technique right.

Kettlebell Exercise #5 - Russian Twist

When it comes to abdominal exercise with a kettlebell, many people will automatically head towards a Turkish get up. In all honesty, whilst it’s a great exercise it’s overly complicated for most general fitness populations. The other reason why Russian twists are favourable here is because of the rotation element.

Not many exercises in the gym call for rotation, yet it’s a really important movement pattern. If you can’t/don’t rotate, you’re missing out on one of the most important human movement patterns.

Take a light-medium weight kettlebell and throw some Russian twists into your workout. You’ll be glad you did!

Here are 5 exercises with the kettlebell you can use to level up your training when you don’t have access to much equipment. There are plenty more where this came from, so get your research hat on and take a look through kettlebell exercise channels, or speak to one of there AdMac Fitness personal trainers for more guidance.

If you want help with your health, AdMac Fitness is the place to go!

We help people using tried and tested fitness approaches. Our expert team of personal trainers, based in both Bow and South Woodford can help you get a grip of your health and fitness. With our guidance you can see your health and fitness reach new levels!

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For more information on who we are, what we do and how we can help you achieve your health and fitness goals, contact us on… 07921465108 or email us at We look forward to hearing from you!

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AdMac Fitness Bow: Arch 457 Robeson St, London E3 4JA

AdMac Fitness South Woodford: Unit 4 Marlborough Business Centre, 96 George Lane, South Woodford, London, E18 1AD.