In all the articles we’ve written on the AdMac Fitness blog, I don’t think we’ve given much attention to the humble rower. There’s no reason why - it just hasn’t featured much, that's all.

Today, that changes.

The rower is a fantastic piece of cardio kit. It’s a full-body cardio workout, it’s versatile, there are plenty of different workout styles that it can accommodate, and it suits a wide variety of people. The lack of impact is great for many people who can’t run, or for those who suffer if they put too much impact through their joints.

In this article I’m going to share a 20 minute rowing workout that will raise your heart rate through the roof, burn a lot of calories and transform your cardio fitness. It’s designed to be an all-out effort in a condensed time window. If you do it properly, it’ll be one of the toughest 20 minute workouts you’ll ever do!

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A lot of people are put off by the rower because they just don’t ‘get it’. They go all-out in the first couple of minutes, then they’re exhausted and have to cut their workout short.

That’s like starting your run by sprinting flat out to the end of the road and then having to walk the rest of the way!

The prevent that from happening again, take a look at this technique video from Concept2…

A 20 Minute HIIT Rower Workout

Now you know the correct technique, it’s time to get set up. The workout is an easy pattern…

Gentle warm up for 1 minute.

After you’ve warmed up, set your rowing machine computer for 100m intervals with 20 seconds rest.

  • Row FULL SPEED for 100m

  • Rest for 20 seconds

  • Repeat for 20 rounds

This workout looks simple on paper, but if you do it properly it’s absolutely brutal. Seriously, it’s one of the toughest workouts you can do in 20 minutes. It’s super efficient, because it’s training your upper and lower body in one go.

There’s also no risk of injury here either, because you’re not enduring any impact at all. It’s a way to max out your effort, without causing yourself any damage.

Each 100m interval will take between 18 and 30 seconds depending on your fitness level. Expect them to take longer as you progress though the workout, thanks to fatigue. You should try to make each one as fast as possible, because the whole point is to gain the maximum fitness benefit you can in the short workout period.

If you want help with your health, AdMac Fitness is the place to go!

We help people using tried and tested fitness approaches. Our expert team of personal trainers, based in both Bow and South Woodford can help you get a grip of your health and fitness. With our guidance you can see your health and fitness reach new levels!

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For more information on who we are, what we do and how we can help you achieve your health and fitness goals, contact us on… 07921465108 or email us at We look forward to hearing from you!

Our locations are…

AdMac Fitness Bow: Arch 457 Robeson St, London E3 4JA

AdMac Fitness South Woodford: Unit 4 Marlborough Business Centre, 96 George Lane, South Woodford, London, E18 1AD.