When many people first start training, they look at a magazine such as Men’s/Women’s Fitness for inspiration. They might look at instagram or YouTube, or perhaps they’ll ask a gym-going friend for advice. The problem with this approach is a simple one… There’s no guarantee that these approaches align with your goals!

All of the hard work in the world is great, but if it’s in the wrong direction it’s not going to help you. And that is the problem with taking the wrong advice, whether that’s from a magazine, an influencer, a TV show etc. All of your efforts should be taking you closer to a goal.

Imagine you have the goal of losing weight, but you’re following a program designed for powerlifters. You’ll get stronger, but you probably won’t shift an ounce on the scales!

It’s one of the (many) reasons that personal training is so effective. Your workouts and your wider actions are structured around your goals. You are guided by a professional trainer who doesn’t just listen to what you want to achieve, but actually designs a programme around helping you to achieve those goals.

personal training bow, personal training studio bow, South Woodford personal trainer

At AdMac Fitness we have personal trainers in Bow, and personal trainers in South Woodford. Our team at experts in designing training programmes that help you to achieve your health and fitness goals. From the consultation to the program design, then into the implementation we’ve got your back.

Our personal training studio in Bow has been established for years, and our personal training team consists of a variety of experts with different approaches. This is important too, because not all people have the same goal. Individual targets need an individual approach.

Most people would like to lose weight, but there are also lots of people who want the opposite - they want to build muscle and gain strength. Some people want to be able to run faster and further. We can’t train these people the exact same way, when they have opposing goals.

The point is, experienced personal trainers treat each client as an individual. There are not going to share generic programmes designed for the masses with you. Sure, there might be similarities between exercises and movement patterns, but overall your personal trainer will make sure it’s suitable for you and your goals. It’s their job to help you reach your targets in the safest and most effective way.

The reason we have so many fantastic transformations and goal achievements is because we train people the way need to be trained. Check out the examples below. These two clients had completely different goals, so their training had to follow a different path - by not following a generic programme, they achieved great results…

personal training bow, personal trainer South Woodford

AdMac Fitness offers Personal training in Bow and Personal training in South Woodford

Across our personal training studio in Bow, and our personal training studio in South Woodford we can offer completely different experiences.

In our Bow HQ, we can work with anyone from individuals to small groups. We have a fully equipped private personal training studio, with access to outside space if we need the extra room. Operating from the Bow PT studio, we have built a reputation for delivering expert personal training, changing thousands of lives over the years.

Our new personal training studio is in South Woodford. We wanted to offer something new to London personal training here, so went in a different direction. I’ll explain…

Many of our clients live a frantic life. Long working hours, rushing for tubes, constantly on the end of a phone, incredibly busy and almost no time to think, let alone do anything for themselves. (It might sound familiar to you reading this actually!)

To combat this, we wanted to create the antidote. A sanctuary where for an hour of your day, you focus on you, and you alone. The AdMac Fitness South Woodford personal training studio is designed to be your place away from the busyness of the outside world. Your phone won’t distract you, your emails won’t be pinging and you can create your own training environment - your own music, make as much noise as you like!

It’s just you and your personal trainer in there…

If you want to change your body, your health and your life, AdMac Fitness is the place to go…

We help people using tried and tested fitness approaches. Our expert team of personal trainers, based in both Bow and South Woodford can help you get a grip of your health and fitness. With our guidance you can see your health and fitness reach new levels.

These aren’t flippant claims - we mean what we say. In a world as competitive as personal training, if you’re not very good you get found out quickly. We’ve stood the test of time - we’ve been in business for years, we survived the pandemic and we are going from strength to strength (literally and figuratively), helping the people of east London get fitter with our personal training approach.

For more information on who we are, what we do and how we can help you achieve your health and fitness goals, contact us on… 07921465108 or email us at admacfitness@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you!

Our locations are…

AdMac Fitness Bow: Arch 457 Robeson St, London E3 4JA

AdMac Fitness South Woodford: Unit 4 Marlborough Business Centre, 96 George Lane, South Woodford, London, E18 1AD.