The most effective type of personal training is when the relationship between coach and client is strong. At AdMac Fitness we really value the closeness of the relationships between the team and the clients. To help you get to know the team a little better, we’re running an occasional series of interviews with the team, so you can learn a little more about us all!

Up next is Nancy, one of the more recent recruits to the AdMac Fitness team!

East London Personal Trainer

So, Nancy, introduce yourself!

My name is Nancy and I’m a personal trainer here at Admac fitness.

How long have you been interested in fitness?

My passion for fitness began 5 years ago when I started weightlifting. Before then, I went to the gym but wasn’t training for a specific goal and found myself not making any real progress. When I started using weights, I started to feel and see real changes.

What is your favourite type of exercise?

I love the traditional power lifts - in particular the squat and deadlift.

What makes you unique as a personal trainer?

I’m particularly interested in the details of a client’s diet. I and enjoy coaching people into seeing food as fuel and I encourage people to get creative with their veggies. I also have a few great recipes up my sleeve!

What do you enjoy most about personal training?

I love seeing the client journey. It’s often challenging to start with, but the stronger and more agile someone is, the easier life gets and the more empowered you’ll feel.

Finally, what can clients expect from you?

Whether your goal is to build muscle, lose fat or improve your fitness, we can work together to achieve your goals enjoyably! Fitness should be enjoyable, not something you dread.

To book personal training sessions with Nancy in our private personal training studio, contact us on 07921465108 or email us at We look forward to hearing from you!