It’s winter… you know the drill. The nights get longer, the temperatures drop, motivation to train takes a huge dip…

Then the festive season hits!

Parties, more booze, more food, less time for exercise (which when added to dwindling motivation makes for a one-way ticket to weight gain!), compromised sleep, winter colds doing the rounds.

When you factor everything in, it’s no surprise that so many of us gain weight over the winter. It’s a pretty big challenge to stay on the straight and narrow food and exercise-wise, when so much conspires against us! When you’re at home after a tough day at work, do you really want to get up and go out to the gym, or head out for a run?

Probably not.

When the alarm goes off early and it’s dark outside, do you really want to get up and go out for that morning run or ride? Again, probably not! And that’s fine - we’re not designed to seek discomfort!

personal trainer bow, personal trainer South Woodford

That’s where personal training can help

Personal training is a powerful tool at this time of year. It can help you navigate the winter by keeping your training intensity up. Apart from the better, more focused training you’d experience under the guidance of a professional personal trainer, it’d also give you a reason to train.

When you’ve booked an appointment, you’ve outsourced your motivation to someone. You won’t want to let your personal trainer down, so even when you’re not really feeling it, you’ll turn up, work hard and your health, fitness and general wellbeing will benefit as a result. Even winter won’t get in the way of a workout with a personal trainer, because you’ll generally be training indoors (it’s not lockdown any more!)

The motivation to train goes up several notches when you know it won’t be done outside in the cold, wet and dark. You won’t be suffering the elements, instead you’ll be in a private personal training studio, where the lights are on, there’s music playing, you’ve got great company and there’ll be an instant feeling of pride when you’re heading home, glad you got that workout in!

Alongside the additional motivation, it’s the extra quality of training that you get when you’re being coached…

The reps are better quality, the rest periods are managed, the exercise variety is increased and the intensity is higher. You’ll get more benefit from the session, translating into better results… just at a time of year when you would otherwise be taking your foot off the pedal.

Finish the year off with a bang!

If you’re concerned that you’re in danger of losing track of your fitness, it’s time to get in touch with the AdMac Fitness team…

personal trainer South Woodford, personal trainer bow

For more information on who we are, what we do and how we can help you achieve your health and fitness goals, contact us on… 07921465108 or email us at We look forward to hearing from you!

Our locations are…

AdMac Fitness Bow: 153-159 Bow Rd, London E3 2SE

AdMac Fitness South Woodford: Unit 4 Marlborough Business Centre, 96 George Lane, South Woodford, London, E18 1AD