This week was a massive one for all of us in the fitness industry - we were allowed to take personal training sessions inside again for the first time since December. Having been training our clients outside through the depths of the winter, on April 12th we were allowed to re-open the personal training studio doors.

Working inside is better for a number of reasons - we’re not exposed to the elements like we were, we have more equipment available, we can make more precise session plans and we’re able to make use of our new overflow area, complete with our new squat rack!

Moving back inside is a new experience for us as well - for the last few months we’ve adapted our way of working to cope with the outdoors. Our session plans, our exercise selection and the way we design training programmes has had to change to make the most of the outdoor environment. As we switch to training back indoors, we’re going to be focussing more on re-educating technique, because we’re back to using kit that our personal training clients haven’t been using for a while.

We didn’t take our barbells outside, so many of our personal training clients haven’t trained with a barbell for months, so we’ll be taking the time to re-educate on perfect exercise technique in the sessions.


In our new overflow area we’ve added additional kit, including a new squat rack. It’ll mean we’ll be able to add a lot of exercise variety to our workouts. Heavy squats, rack pulls, lunges, overhead work etc will all be back on the agenda for more people now.

Whether you’re looking at fat loss, muscle gain or a bit of both, the new kit additions at the studio will ensure we can help you get there.

As a team we’re all really excited about heading back inside to train clients. We’ve enjoyed being outside, it has challenged us to learn and grow, but back inside we’ve got access to even more tools to offer excellent and effective workouts. We’ll be back to our deadlifting, squatting, pushing, pulling and the like, but all the while not leaving behind what has worked from the outdoor workouts. By combining the indoor and outdoor elements we can work on a hybrid training plan, allowing us to deliver the best of both worlds to our clients.


What Changes for us?

For clients, there’s little in the way of obvious change - apart from being inside, you’ll still be getting the same top quality service you’ve come to know and love from AdMac Fitness. We’re going to continue to deliver excellent sessions, we’ll be maintaining our standards of cleanliness and we’ll be adding the additional variety into the sessions thanks the extra kit we have available to us in the studio.

We’re doubling down on the educational side of training and nutrition, teaching you more about how to file your training and recovery. For many people, especially new clients, it’ll be the first exercise they’ve done for a long time and it’s our job to ensure that the return is a safe and effective one.

We understand that a lot of our clients will be eager to pick up where they left off, but that’s a one-way ticket to injury! We’ll ease you back in at a safe and effective rate.


We haven’t stopped still during the lockdown, we’ve invested in new kit, new ideas and continued to up-skill as a team. We’ve introduced a newsletter and are making plans to bring back our group sessions when the time allows.

Lockdown has been difficult for us all, but it looks like we’re back on our way out of it! Onwards and upwards!

If you’re looking for personal training in East London, get in touch!

At AdMac Fitness we’re not about fads, fashions and short term fixes. We want you to succeed properly over the long term, so with our help and advice you can get your fitness back on track! If you’d like us to help you, contact us on 07921465108 or email us at We look forward to hearing from you!