One of the reasons our personal training is so effective here at AdMac Fitness is because we’re principles based, not tools based when it comes to our approach to fitness and personal training. Rather than be married to a single way of exercising, we select a method that is most appropriate to the individual, their goals and their abilities. No two programmes are alike, but no two people are alike.

What this means for the personal training client is that they get to enjoy the process more, because they aren’t forced to train or diet in a way that they just can’t cope with.

There are a lot of personal training studios in London that have an identity, a way of doing things and an inflexible approach. This can be a problem, because if your goals aren’t aligned with their training philosophy, you’ll never make progress towards what you want to achieve.

It’s like the old saying… ‘If the only tool you use is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail’.

At AdMac Fitness in East London, our job is to help you achieve your goals. We do that well, which is why our clients stay with us for years and achieve levels of health and fitness that they never thought was possible…


The Key to Success is Enjoying the Journey

One of the common myths around weight loss is that it’s temporary and that most people put weight back on in time. Whilst some of that is true, it depends on the circumstances and how they’ve gone about losing the weight, plus the support they’ve received along the way.

At AdMac Fitness we support our personal training clients and make them a part of the process. Research shows that this is one of the most important aspects of maintaining one term weight loss. The support and encouragement makes our clients feel comfortable, which is another vital aspect of them staying part of our group and making the long term progress with us.

It’s not just about weight loss though…

When you study exercise adherence, one of the most important factors that jump out is working with clients appropriately. In practice, that means the exercise selection, the frequency of training and the intensity of the work have to suitable. By pushing people to do too much, too soon we’d be more likely to push them away from training, killing motivation and enthusiasm. That’s the opposite of what we try to do.

We celebrate wins with clients, reminding them of how we’ll they’re doing and how far they’ve come…

Training the Person…

In our private personal training studio, we choose methods that suit the person, not methods that we bias towards. In some places, they train everyone the same way and whilst that may work for some, it won’t work for all. Our approach to personal training here in East London is to be as inclusive as possible, so whether you come to us wanting to be strong as an ox, or you simply want to lose a few kilos, we adapt our approach accordingly.

If you check out our AdMac Fitness Instagram you’ll see people of all shapes and sizes performing a wide variety of exercises. There’s no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach here, it’s just not how we do things. It would be a disservice to our personal training clients, who put their faith in us to help them achieve their health and fitness goals.

If you’ve never had personal training before, take the idea of being shouted at right out of your mind. We don’t do that - we’re coaches, not drill sergeants! If you want to be shouted at, join the army! If you want to be encouraged, guided, pushed, helped and empowered, get in touch and see what we can do for you!

What a personal training session looks like at AdMac Fitness

I said earlier that there’s no single approach, but there are similarities in the sessions. We always start with an appropriate warm up and that will depend on what we have going on in the session that day. There may be a cardio element to it, followed by some movement prep work.

Next up we’ll go through the strength/resistance training part of the session. Here the weights and exercise selection will be appropriate to you and your goals. Some may be bodyweight exercises, some may use the TRX, others will be dumbbell, barbell or kettlebell based.

Finally, we may end with a finisher which is a high intensity element - it could be circuit based or cardio based depending on what the personal trainer has in mind. We may also do our core and abdominal work in this part of the session too. A finisher is designed to improve cardio capacity and burn a lot of calories at the end of the session. They’re VERY effective!

Finally, we’ll stretch and cool down. You’ll leave the session feeling great, having achieved something and worked hard, releasing those endorphins you get having gone through a great workout!

If you’re looking for personal training in East London, get in touch!

At AdMac Fitness we’re not about fads, fashions and short term fixes. We want you to succeed properly over the long term, so with our help and advice you can get your fitness back on track! If you’d like us to help you, contact us on 07921465108 or email us at We look forward to hearing from you!