After a seemingly never-ending lockdown, life is slowly returning to normal. Whilst we aren’t out of the woods yet, fitness facilities have been given the green light to re-open (which is great news as far as we’re concerned!)

With that in mind we’ve got some news and guidelines about AdMac Fitness and our own opening protocols. We’re doing our best to get things back to a version of normal and whilst some restrictions still apply, we’re doing what we can.


A Few Guidelines and Announcements…

  • The studio is open for 1:1 and 2:1 personal training. We can control the spaces and because we’re a fully private facility, we can can control exactly who enters the gym and when. Continue to use your usual booking method for the sessions.

  • The Monday evening group class won’t be starting up at the moment because of social distancing guidelines - there are just too many people for the space we have available. As soon as this changes we will let you know and classes will be returning.

  • The Saturday morning Bootcamp will resume in mid August, stay tuned for the date. We’ll make an announcement as soon as we can via all of the usual channels.

Our Standards of Cleanliness…

For those members and clients who have concerns, be assured that social distancing can be controlled as we work with small numbers in the studio.

The benefit of being a private facility is that we can control the numbers who can enter the building, so we’ll never have any more than an appropriate number of people in the gym.

Our standards of cleanliness are already excellent, but we can promise you all that cleaning will be increased. We’ll be cleaning the gym and the individual bits of kit multiple times per day. We’ll also provide hand sanitiser, but of course if bringing your own will make you feel more at ease, feel free to bring that too.

Let’s all enjoy a return to fitness and gym use and please remember - we at AdMac Fitness would NEVER do anything to harm your health and safety, so you can turn up to train relaxed and ready to go. We’ve got you covered and are well-prepared to make sure your session and safety have been put front and centre of our minds!

One other thing…

We’ve got a new Personal Trainer too! We’ve had Nadine join the AdMac Fitness team. Keep your eyes peeled for a little more information about here - you may even see her in the gym!

Let AdMac Guide Your Training!

As professional personal trainers, it’s our job to help you exercise safely and effectively. We also work out of our private studio in Bow, East London. We operate in a safe, socially-distanced way and assure you that our standards of hygiene and cleanliness are second to none.

If you want to let us help you reach your fitness and physique goals, contact us on 07921465108 or email us at We look forward to hearing from you!