One of the things we’re most proud of at AdMac Fitness is the culture we’ve created for our members. Whether they come for personal training or (when we’re allowed to), the group exercise classes and bootcamps we run, they know that they’re joining a fun and supportive environment where they’ll be educated, encouraged, coached and supported. A lot of our members join for the results, but they stick around because of our culture.

We’re big believers in the culture creating the right atmosphere in which people can train to their best ability. Whether you’re a brand new, nervous beginner or a seasoned personal training client who has been with us for years, the environment we have here at our private personal training studio in Bow, E3 is one that encourages and supports in equal measure.

The idea of a strong and encouraging culture being an effective place to build a significant and lasting change in health behaviour is one that is backed up in the research. A study reviewing the formation of a new exercise habit showed that enjoyment and frequency of exercise is linked to the social aspect of training - in particular having friends within the club and/or training with a friend.

As a small community fitness studio, you’re a treasured client here - not one of several thousand members who we don’t know! You’ll undoubtedly make friends with other members and when we’re allowed to put our group exercise and bootcamps back on, you’ll be able to train together too!

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Culture Breeds Success…

There’s a reason why there are successful organisations - be them clubs, businesses, sports team etc. Cultures are infectious and you become the average of your peers and the people around you. If you train in an environment that motivates you to train hard and supports you when it comes to eating well, it makes the process so much easier. Social research into weight loss shows us that external support is imperative when ti comes to weight loss success. Whether that’s a personal trainer offering the support or a group of peers doesn’t seem to matter - you just need support and encouragement!

You’ll also feel the benefits of a healthier eating approach and that in itself becomes self-fulfilling. You start eating healthier and training properly, which makes you feel better and lose weight. These results motivate you to carry on with the new behaviours, making them long term.

We’ve seen this time and time again, as these results show…


You Learn to Love Exercise!

One of the more common concerns about starting an exercise regime is the fear of hating them gym, but that needn’t be a concern - we have science to back us up to! Studies have proven that exercise becomes more enjoyable the more we do it, which goes some way to explain why regular exercisers find it so addictive!

As professional personal trainers our job is to help you achieve your training goals but in a sensible and appropriate way - if you’re new to exercise without much in the way of a training history then you won’t be expected to complete workouts designed for our advanced members! There’s so much more to personal training than just working you hard - our job is to help you reach your goals, not ruin your life through exercise! It’s why our members join us for the excellent training and the results, but they stay because of the culture and the friends they make here at AdMac Fitness.

We’re Still Training!

Despite the COVID restrictions, we have a socially-distanced outdoor space where we can still offer our excellent personal training. We simply move the gym outside, under cover. We’ve been able to offer a full complement of sessions in perfect safety, so if you’re worried about your ability to train at the moment, please don’t be - we’ve dealt with the restrictions for months so we’re well-practiced at this! Your safety is at the forefront of our minds throughout this.

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Training With us at AdMac Fitness…

At AdMac Fitness we’re not about fads, fashions and short term fixes. We want you to succeed properly over the long term, so with our help and advice you can get your fitness back on track! If you’d like us to help you, contact us on 07921465108 or email us at We look forward to hearing from you!