A month ago we wrote about immunity - we shared scientifically proven approaches to helping to protect you through the winter. At a time with rising COVID cases and the impending flu season, we’re going to go into a little more detail on the exact supplementation you could take and more importantly, why you should be taking it.

Supplementation should change through the seasons and your actions, so there are supplements that are more important during the winter months, supplements that are ‘magic bullets’ for particular purposes and then staples that could/should be taken all year round.

In this article we’ll take three winter supplements and explain why you should be taking each one.


Vitamin D

For those of us living in northern Europe, vitamin D becomes extremely important during the winter. If you’re unaware of this, here’s why…

Our bodies produce vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. In the winter our ‘photoperiod’ (time which we are exposed to natural light) is shortened, meaning we are far less exposed to sunlight. As a result of this, our vitamin D levels drop considerably and can have a knock on effect on our mental health, our immunity, our bone function and our general wellbeing.

Why Supplement with Vitamin D?

Beyond what we’ve just discussed, vitamin D is particularly difficult to obtain from food sources. There are some foods that are fortified with vitamin D, but generally speaking it’s hard to obtain from sources other than good old sunlight.

Such is the difficulty of obtaining vitamin D through food that some clinicians are even recommending various forms of UV light therapy in the winter to people suffering from chronic low levels of the vitamin.

With the obvious difficulty when it comes to obtaining vitamin D in any other way, we are almost forced down a winter supplementation route. Between the months of October and March, it’s a good idea to be taking vitamin D and beyond that, look to achieve at least some sun exposure whenever possible - just don’t be silly and burn yourself!

Research suggests that Vitamin D3 maintains elevated levels in the body for longer.


The rise of CBD oils, tinctures and gummies has been dramatic in the last couple of years. There’s a number of reasons for this, but the main one is simple - the research in support of it, combined with he anecdotal evidence of users has backed up the claims that this is a very effective supplement.

The most effective use of CBD currently is in recovery and as a sleep aid, which is why it features here so prominently. We know that sleep dramatically impacts the effectiveness of the immune system, so anything that helps to promote a healthy sleep cycle is worth exploring. What the research shows is that use of CBD oil helps to promote sleep and reduce feelings of anxiety, plus it is well-tolerated by the body.

It’s important to note here that CBD is NOT illegal - it’s the benefits of the hemp plant with the psychoactive ingredients removed, so it doesn’t get you high! It’s a perfectly legal supplement to take.

Why Supplement with CBD?

This is one of those ‘magic bullet’ supplements. I think the best way to approach CBD use is to save it for when you are in need of a particularly restful sleep. In the winter we are exposed to a lot of artificial light which we know impacts sleep quality. It’s also particularly useful in periods of high stress, so it can help to settle a busy mind without the use of drugs.

Rather than use CBD daily, perhaps a better approach would be to use it when it is needed, which of course reduces the cost of the purchase as well.

By promoting better sleep we help immune function as well as literally thousands of other biological processes which are happening in our bodies. Improved sleep leads to better hormonal regulation, better mental health, reduced stress and reduces the chances of obesity.


The boring old multivitamin has had a lot of bad press over the years, with some people saying they’re pointless. In all honesty, I don’t think for one second they’re a wonder supplement, but what I do think they are is rock-solid nutritional insurance. I don’t even take them for the vitamins really - I take them for the minerals. The vitamins you should be looking to ingest from your diet, taking the multivitamin merely to plug gaps that are left.

Mineral deficiencies can have a large effect on your health, so by taking a supplement that plugs the gaps you reduce the chances of these occurring. Research shows that the benefits of taking a multivitamin far outweigh the negatives, so taking an overall view we can only conclude that they are worth it.

Why Take a Multivitamin?

Despite our best efforts, we’re always likely to leave gaps in our nutritional requirements. The realities of life means that our demands change throughout different periods of time anyway - there are times of higher physiological stress (during intense training for example), or pregnancy, or during stressful periods at work which demand more from you and having a nutritional back up is always beneficial.

Even if you’re not taking a daily multivitamin, every other day would also be helpful just to make sure that even if your diet is off point for a day (or more), you’re at least getting some nutritional benefit from your food activities!

I probably take a multivitamin every other day, unless I’m unwell or working particularly hard in which case I’ll increase it to daily consumption. I’m satisfied that the research shows the benefits outweigh the negatives, so I don’t see any harm in it. A few pence per day is a small price to pay for nutritional insurance!

Winter Supplements - Concluded

When you hear the word ‘supplements’ a lot of people automatically jump straight to protein, creatine and the like. The reality is that supplementation is about health, not vanity. At AdMac Fitness we’re primarily interested in health - a healthy body is more important than anything else!

By taking these supplements for the next few months, you’ll give your body the best chance of staying fit, healthy and well as there’s more pressure on your immune system and mental health than ever before.

By working with us at AdMac Fitness we help you with both your training and your nutrition. Speak to us about how we can help you too.

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If you’ve decided that we’re the facility for you, contact us on 07921465108 or email us at admacfitness@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you!