Given recent government announcements we wanted to reassure our members of the lengths we go to to ensure the health and safety of all members and clients of AdMac Fitness, a private personal training studio in Bow, East London.

In the midst of a global pandemic you’d be forgiven for being worried about training in a gym, but here at AdMac Fitness we’re able to reassure you that you’ll be incredibly safe when training in our facility.

As a whole actually, fitness is very safe. The trade body, UK Active issues guidance to fitness facilities around the country, including best practice for ensuring member safety and keeping transmission rates low. What the data shows is that community transmission is incredibly low, with a rate of 0.34 cases per 100,000 gym visits.

That data is across all fitness facilities, so we can go a step further and explain why by training with us, your chances of catching the Coronavirus in our facility are even smaller…


People Management at the Gym

Unlike public gyms, we have a greater level of control over who comes into the studio. We’re not open to the public, we’re a private, appointment-only facility. To train at AdMac Fitness you’re either coming for a personal training session, one of our group exercise classes or have booked in for a consultation.

Thanks to this system, we know exactly who is in the building at what time. Should we ever come into contact with a case, we can manage it immediately by letting anyone who was in the building know about their potential exposure. With that level of precision we can prevent a problem before it becomes a big deal.

Likewise, we can control the amount of people who are in the studio at any one time. We’ll ensure that we’re never in a position to cause unnecessary risk to our members and staff.

Cleaning is VERY Thorough

As we all know by now, cleanliness and hygiene are two of they key points that will help to prevent the spread of the virus. As a small studio compared to a huge gym, we have control over this - our cleaning is done daily, it is done thoroughly and we can control it ourselves.

As the people who spend the most time in the studio, if we allowed it to become dirty we’d be at the biggest risk of all, so we keep on top of the cleanliness at all times. Alcohol gel, wipes and deep cleans are the order of the day at AdMac Fitness, so be assured that we’re taking our cleaning responsibility VERY seriously!

We constantly stay abreast of the latest guidance and make sure we implement the instructions at the studio to maintain our excellent levels of cleanliness. It’s our aim to make sure you feel safe in the studio at all times.

We’re Professionals…

The AdMac Fitness team aren’t newly-qualified instructors, we’re professional personal trainers with a lot of experience. We’ve been dealing with this virus since the get-go and our systems are in place. They’ve been tried, tested, practiced and are working very well. We’ve got personal as well as professional reasons to keep on top of best practice - we don’t want to pick up Coronavirus either!

We want to protect our business and livelihood, and the best way of doing that is to ensure that our clients safety is paramount, which is why we go over and above to ensure that every single person who comes into the AdMac Fitness studio is aware of the levels we’re going to in order to ensure the safety of us all. Our effort and attention to detail means that we’ve operated perfectly well and haven’t had any cases in the studio.

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But Despite it all, You Should Keep Training

We could reassure you about the cleanliness of the facility, the control of numbers who enter the building and all of the other important points about the virus, your health and the risk of transmission, but the key point is this…

Your health and fitness are paramount to you at all times, but never more so than during a pandemic. We have to give ourselves the best possible chance against it and as we shared last week, exercise is a key measure of improving health, fitness and immunity against a whole range of bugs, not just the Coronavirus.

The government themselves have said that obesity is a key risk factor and that we should take steps to ensure we stay a healthy weight. If you are overweight and you are worried that you’re putting yourself at risk, come and talk to the AdMac Fitness team to see how we can help you. Given obesity is an entirely preventable risk factor (age, gender, race etc being factors that you simply can’t change), you can severely improve your resistance to illness by simply dropping some weight.

Getting Started with AdMac Fitness

If you’ve decided that we’re the facility for you, contact us on 07921465108 or email us at We look forward to hearing from you!